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Photo of therapy room with blue sofa, cushions, colourful artwork, plant and bookcase

What can you expect in sessions?

Contrary to popular myths, talking therapy isn't about lying on a couch in a darkened room, while your therapist asks you probing questions about your sexual fantasies and takes mysterious notes!


You will normally be invited to sit on a sofa during the session, unless we have agreed to do some walk-and-talk therapy. I rarely take notes during sessions, as I want to be fully focused on you when you are speaking.


Sessions usually last between 50 minutes and 1 hour, which gives us the flexibility to bring the session to a natural close. During the session, I will give you time and space to talk about the issue you have brought. I will help you to explore this in greater depth by:


  1. actively listening to and engaging with you;

  2. being emotionally attuned to you;

  3. asking you questions about your experiences, both in the here-and-now and in the past. 


If I think it will be beneficial to you, I may occasionally offer to guide you through a therapeutic activity, but this will always be a collaborative exercise that involves your fully informed consent.


The therapeutic journey...

Our first few sessions will normally be spent exploring the issue you have brought and building a secure and trusting relationship. We will also agree some initial goals together, which we'll review on a regular basis and adjust if needed. 


Everyone has a unique therapeutic journey, and I invite open and honest discussions about how sessions are going, what you need or want from me, and what I'm able to give you.


As part of your own journey, you may like to experiment with other ways of exploring what is going on for you, perhaps through creative expression or taking sessions outdoors. I'm a strong advocate for the therapeutic benefits of the the natural world and creative arts, and will happily facilitate this for you if it's something you'd like to explore.


No therapeutic journey is ever the same, and what works for one person won't necessarily work for you. That is why it's so important to find a therapist and approach that fits you.

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